Jubilee available through Honey Bee Hive Rugs. Design by Jane McGown Flynn. 24" x 36".
Creativity Goddess- original design with applicate background, embroidered stars, and dimensionally hooked figure.
I Shoulda Worn Gloves
Just a self portrait making fun of me! I was playing with indigo dyeing and thought it would be funny to act like I forgot to wear gloves. NO, I did not actually forget to wear them. But, I would have had deep blue hands had I made that mistake.
Just a self portrait making fun of me! I was playing with indigo dyeing and thought it would be funny to act like I forgot to wear gloves. NO, I did not actually forget to wear them. But, I would have had deep blue hands had I made that mistake.
Urban Icons Detail The string of rocks symbolizes the weight mental illness and addiction.
Urban Icons Detail
A hubcap found on the street was cut up to form her halo. |
Urban Icons Detail
She is adorned with found objects that spell out "love" with a heart. |
Urban Icons Detail
She has Milagros (protection symbols in her halo.) |

Urban Icons is a Celebration 32 finalist. This rug tells the story of homeless women on the streets. The scene is surrounded by flattened bottle caps from craft beers and sodas symbolizing society that surrounds but does not interact with the homeless.
Welcome designed by Christa Bowling and available through Honey Bee Hive Rugs.
The reverse of this pillow is sewn from the front of a man's shirt. The buttons and button holes are already in place!
Welcome designed by Christa Bowling and available through Honey Bee Hive Rugs.
This monochromatic version sports raised lettering. |
Paisley Footstool designed by Kim Nixon and available through Honey Bee Hive Rugs. The footstool is hooked in tee shirts and nylons.
DOG is another Kim Nixon design available from Honey Bee Hive Rugs. I modified the pattern to resemble one of my Schipperke pups.
Chicken Little is my design and available through Honey Bee Hive Rugs https://rughook.com/search?q=Chicken+Little . This version is hooked completely in recycled bed sheets. It was a grand experiment - very shreddy - and left me with a wonderful ball of string!
The results of a rug made completely out of recycled sheets has a harder hand than when it is hooked in wool. It is very flexible, just not as soft. It was a fun experiment that I will try again on another subject. |

The Landscape of My Life in Dogs and One Good Man
This rug portrays me in sepia at about 5 years of age with a neighbor's puppies; then in grey tones as an 11 year old with my favorite dog, Scooter. He was a real ham and would jump through hoops, play with a clorox jug hung from the clothesline, climb ladders and do all sorts of simple tricks for a carrot. the next quartet of dogs are Lady (German short hair), Beau Regard (Beagle), Christopher Jean (poodle), and Cissy (dachshund). . .all friends who traveled with me through my early adult years. The diagonal trio are Rosie (my first rescued Schipperke), Smidgen Louise and Kachina Marie (both Schipperkes)
My husband, Bruce with our current crew of Schipperkes,
Shine, Ivy and Dare.
Letting Go
A Celebration finalist. This design began as a quick sketch of a woman reaching after her four year old, as the child ran chasing her balloon. As I thought of the sketch I began adding elements of thoughts (like a collage) layering ideas that would make the composition more compelling and interesting to look at. All elements of the idea of "letting go".
A Celebration finalist. This design began as a quick sketch of a woman reaching after her four year old, as the child ran chasing her balloon. As I thought of the sketch I began adding elements of thoughts (like a collage) layering ideas that would make the composition more compelling and interesting to look at. All elements of the idea of "letting go".
Fish Cat Designed for the 2019 ATHA Biennial in Cleveland, OH. This kit consisted of completed bodies with piano hammer legs, a stuffed fish and a pattern for the face. All materials were included. The face was hooked and sculpted in class and the bodies were completed so that each student took a finished Fish Cat home with them. |
Remembering Spring
A Celebration finalist. This design came about after a visit to a nursing home where I saw a number of patients sitting in wheel chairs seeming "out of it".
It made me realize that the people were actually "tuned inwardly" reliving their memories. Remembering Spring is about memories and how opaque or REAL they are as opposed to the transparent ghost portrayed in Letting Go. (another rug seen above.)
A Celebration finalist. This design came about after a visit to a nursing home where I saw a number of patients sitting in wheel chairs seeming "out of it".
It made me realize that the people were actually "tuned inwardly" reliving their memories. Remembering Spring is about memories and how opaque or REAL they are as opposed to the transparent ghost portrayed in Letting Go. (another rug seen above.)

Jack Be Nimble
Designed for the 2017 ATHA Biennial, Jack was hooked and sculpted in class so each
student took took home a completed project. The kits included all the materials to finish
the project as it appears here.
Goldfinch and Grey Jay
My adaptation of a Caswell design utilizing many old standing-wool techniques. Gunison Barn
Adapted with permission from a photo by Colorado photographer, Bob Kissel. The hooked rug is embellished with found objects including drift wood, barbed wire, stones and an old nail. Stephen and Effie
My Grandparents on Daytona Beach in 1928. Betty at the Beach
Adapted from a photo taken by Sharon Pugh of our mother at the beach. The Fabulous Miss O
Designed from a photo of my grand niece, Olivia, taken when she was a year and half old. Surf, Sandpiper and Shells (Seashore)
My design with sculpted elements. I used cotton gauze for the foam on the waves. The pattern is available through Honey Bee Hive Rugs. |
Horse Hugs
pattern available through Honey Bee Hive Rugs. Kawika
My grandson, the very talented opera singer and band instructor. The Readers
A Sharon Smith design available from W.Cushing & Co. I used an actual dog brush on the clipped loops of the dog to pull the weft away from the warp leaving a very fuzzy texture on the dog. He has button eyes. Jack O Lantern was designed for the 2015 ATHA Biennial in San Antonio. Kits were complete with all materials including a pre-made body. Patterns were hooked and sculpted in class and each student left with a completed Jack.
Birds and Berries
A Bea Brock design that I put a quillie border on. 10 -cut strips. |